Road Closures

We need to ensure that all streets within the event footprint are clear to allow sufficient time for the set up and then de-rig of the event.

Whilst we appreciate that there will be some disruption caused by the closures, we hope you understand the necessity, due to the size and necessary safety measures around the event, of the closures for Scarborough to host such a prestigious national event.

Local residents

If your road is on the road closure list, you must move your vehicle by the times detailed in the closed from column. Any vehicles still on site will be removed and a charge may be made for recovery of your vehicle.

Blue badge Holders

Unfortunately, you are not able to leave your car parked even if you have a blue badge. All vehicles will have to be moved from the event area. We appreciate this may cause some inconvenience, but this is unavoidable. Arrangements are being made for anyone with special medical requirements. This is a once in a lifetime event in Scarborough and we hope you will join in and enjoy what will be an incredible spectacle for the area.


LocationClosed fromClosed toNotes
Sandside05:00 on Saturday 29 June 202421:00 on Saturday 29 June 2024No access for any public vehicles. All parking will be suspended.Pre-arranged deliveries will be allowed until 08:30 via Aquarium Top
Foreshore Road05:00 on Saturday 29 June 202421:00 on Saturday 29 June 2024No access for any public vehicles. All parking will be suspended.Pre-arranged deliveries will be allowed until 08:30 via Aquarium Top
Eastborough from Globe Street to Foreshore Road Junction05:00 on Saturday 29 June 202421:00 on Saturday 29 June 2024No access for any public vehicles. All parking will be suspended.Pre-arranged deliveries will be allowed until 08:30 via Aquarium Top
Blands Cliff05:00 on Saturday 29 June 202321:00 on Saturday 29 June 2024 No access for any vehicles.
East Sandgate from Tuthill to Eastborough05:00 on Saturday 29 June 202421:00 on Saturday 29 June 2024 No access for any vehicles.
Quay Street05:00 on Saturday 29 June 202421:00 on Saturday 29 June 2024 No access for any vehicles.
Valley Road from Vernon Road roundabout to Seafront16:00 on Saturday 29 June 202417:00 on Saturday 29 June 2024Closure to facilitate the veterans parade
Car Park Closures   
West Pier Car Park18:00 on Friday 28 June 202421:00 on Saturday 29 June 2024All  parking suspended
Quay Street Car Park05:00 on Saturday 29 June 202421:00 on Saturday 29 June 2024All parking suspended
Eastborough Car Park05:00 on Saturday 29 June 202421:00 on Saturday 29 June 2024All parking suspended